Black Sea Blue Economy Developing products, solutions and clusters underpinning Black Sea Blue Growth
Main Goal 1
Supporting marine and maritime research and innovation domains of all the Black Sea countries to create synergy, increase economic benefits, reduce hazards in service of prospering, resilient and empowered communities deriving interest from the Black Sea basin
Promote and foster synergies, through networking events and meetings towards capacity building to transfer knowledge between clusters in the blue economy and reinforce existing inter-sectorial arrangements (Short/Medium Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
BSC, Black Sea NGO Forum, BSEC, CPMR, GFCM, Local Authorities, Local Communities, Maritime Clusters, Ministries and Related Governmental Agencies, Industries, Regional and National Networks
Define geological features located near shore and offshore, their evolution through time and support the business uptake of innovative technologies to boost growth by avoiding potential geo-hazards (Medium Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
Academia, Local Authorities, Ministries and Related Governmental Agencies, NGOs, Private Sector, Research Institutions
Support the dialogue between researchers and business in order to promote and uptake of the circular economy principles as booster for sustainable innovation for blue growth (Medium Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
Academia, Maritime Clusters, NGOs, Private Sector, Research Institutions
Promote socio-economic research focusing on coastal communities interacting with the marine ecosystem to understand how drivers of marine environment and human induced pressures impact the communities (systems approach) (Short/Medium Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
Academia, Black Sea NGO Forum, BSEC, CPMR, Maritime Clusters, National Statistical Institutes, Port Authorities, Research Institutions, Union of Black Sea Municipalities
Support and promote methodologies for science-based policymaking, foresight and cost-benefit analyses and other financial instruments towards the assessment of the innovative and feasibility potential of the projects (Short Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
Academia, Ministries and Related Governmental Agencies, Research Institutions
Main Goal 2
Creating incentives for maritime innovation in existing and new, emerging blue economy sectors
Identify renewable energy sectors such as offshore wind and wave energy while investigating the potential of responsible exploration of gas hydrates (Short/Medium Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
Academia, Ministries and Related Governmental Agencies, Private Sector, Regional Authorities, Research Institutions
Develop sustainable fisheries and high-tech aquaculture including multi-use platforms (Short/Medium Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
Business Associations, FAO, Fisheries and Aquaculture Organisations, GFCM, Ministries and Related Governmental Agencies, Private Sector, Research Institutions, SMEs
Foster biotechnology by exploring the potential of high-value, novel products from unique organisms inhabiting the Black Sea, along the whole value chain (Medium/Long Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
Academia, Associations (such as European Aquaculture Association and European Society for Marine Biotechnology), FAO, GFCM, Ministries and Related Governmental Agencies, Private Sector, Research Institutions
Further develop new and innovative tourism offers and services to promote synergies between coastal tourism and other activities (e.g. pesca-tourism, culture and underwater heritage, aquaculture, yachting) (Short Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
Academia, Infrastructures from IODP, IOC-UNESCO, International Marine Research Networks, Research Institutions
Promote low-emission, carbon-neutral ships and freight operations in line with the international safety standards and circular economy principles to achieve sustainable and green shipbuilding, repair and retrofit (Medium Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
Academia, Ministries and Related Governmental Agencies, Port Authorities, Private Sector, Public Authorities, Research Institutions
Develop and promote innovative marine litter (including microplastics) management techniques both on land and sea in line with the principles of circular economy (Short Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
Academia, Black Sea NGO Forum, BSC, Citizens, GFCM, Local Communities, Ministries and Related Governmental Agencies, Municipalities, Private Sector, Research Institutions
Identify the services provided by marine biotic and abiotic resources for enhanced coastal protection and resilience (Short/Medium Term)
Main Actor(s)-Initiatives
Academia, Local and Regional Authorities, Ministries and Related Governmental Agencies, Private Sector, Research Institutions