Linked Projects
The World Bank - Blueing the Black Sea
In support of the Common Maritime Agenda, the Blueing the Black Sea (BBSEA) Program supported by the World Bank and its partners would be aming at catalyzing blue economy investments for the Black Sea. The initial step of building a coherent BBSEA Program is focused on the Pillar 1 “Save the Sea” that is aiming at reducing pollution in the Black Sea. Two instruments are considered for the realization of these first step: (i) PROBLUE Regional Analytical Work, executed by the World Bank (US$ 400,000) has been approved and will support national diagnostic on pollution and synthetize the results in a regional report and; (ii) the proposed GEF grant in an amount of US$ 6.4 million, financed under the International Water window.
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
AQUAEXCEL 2020 AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in European fish research towards 2020
AQUAEXCEL2020, a Horizon 2020 research infrastructure project, aims to support the sustainable growth of the aquaculture sector in Europe. It comprises a large group of leading European aquaculture research facilities that work on advanced integration and standardisation of tools for aquaculture research. Sustainable growth of the aquaculture sector in Europe, based on efficient and environmentally responsible production of high value fish products, can be achieved by ensuring excellent scientific research and by the results being translated into innovation and industrial growth.
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Blue BRIDGE (Building Research environments fostering Innovation, Decision making, Governance and Education to support Blue growth)
BlueBRIDGE - Building Research environments fostering Innovation, Decision making, Governance and Education to support Blue growth - supports capacity building in interdisciplinary research communities actively involved in increasing scientific knowledge about resource overexploitation, degraded environment and ecosystem with the aim of providing a more solid ground for informed advice to competent authorities and to enlarge the spectrum of growth opportunities as addressed by the Blue Growth Societal Challenge.
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
CERES - Climate change and European aquatic RESources
CERES is investigating how climate change will influence Europe’s most important fish and shellfish resources and the economic activities depending on them. CERES will develop tools and strategies that help fisheries, aquaculture sectors and governments to prepare for the adverse changes or future benefits of climate change. CERES investigates how climate change is affecting different European fish/shellfish species – and how Europe’s fishermen and fish farmers can adapt in the future to climate change.
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
BlueMissionMed will Inspire, Inform, Assess, Mobilise, Connect and Empower all the actors that can Take a Role in preventing and eliminating pollution in the Mediterranean sea and waters. The project builds on, connect and structure existing initiatives and activities to disseminate and upscale solutions and mobilise relevant actors with the specific aim of addressing the Objective 2 of the Mission, namely “prevent and eliminate pollution of our ocean, seas and waters”. It involves a multi-actor, trans-sectorial and multidisciplinary consortium, consisting of 6 R&I public institutions, 5 NGOs, 3 Mediterranean industrial associations and 2 SMEs from 7 countries of the Mediterranean.
EU Funded
GoJelly - A gelatinous solution to plastic pollution
Within GoJelly it will be developed, tested and promoted a gelatinous solution to microplastic pollution by developing a TRL 5-6 prototype microplastics filter made of jellyfish mucus. Project will therefore address two environmental issues: commercially and ecologically destructive sea and coastal pollution of both jellyfish and microplastics. GoJelly aims to have less plastic in the ocean and in turn more jobs for commercial fishers in off-seasons to harvest the jellyfish.
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
JERICO-NEXT Towards a Joint European Research Infrastructure Network for Coastal Observatories
The coastal area is the most productive and dynamic environment of the world ocean with significant resources and services for mankind. JERICO-NEXT emphasizes that the complexity of the coastal ocean cannot be well understood if interconnection between physics, biogeochemistry and biology is not guaranteed. Such an integration requires new technological developments allowing continuous monitoring of a larger set of parameters. In the continuity of JERICO (FP7), the main objective of JERICO-NEXT consists in strengthening and enlarging a solid and transparent European network in providing operational services for the timely, continuous and sustainable delivery of high quality environmental data and information products related to marine environment in European coastal seas.
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
EUROFLEETS+ (An alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities)
EUROFLEETS+ project will facilitate open free of charge access to an integrated and advanced research vessel fleet, designed to meet the evolving and challenging needs of the user community. European and international researchers from academia and industry will be able to apply for several access programmes, through a single-entry system. EUROFLEETS+ is intentionally ambitious, building on achievements in two preceding Eurofleets projects. EUROFLEETS+ will prioritise support for research on sustainable, clean and healthy oceans, linking with existing ocean observation infrastructures, and it will support innovation through working closely with industry. The project will enable access to a unique fleet of 27 state-of-the-art research vessels from European and international partners.
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programm
SUMMERSustainable Management of Mesopelagic Resources
SUMMER establishes a protocol to accurately estimate mesopelagic fish biomass, quantifies the ecosystem services provided by the mesopelagic community (food for aquaculture, for humans, for other wild fish, climate regulation and potential for bioactive compounds) and develops a decision support tool to quantitatively balance the trade-offs between the different services for any given exploitation scenario.
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
MarTERA (Maritime and Marine Technologies for a New ERA)
The overall goal of the ERA-NET Cofund MarTERA is to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) in maritime and marine technologies as well as Blue Growth. Objectives of MarTERA. The main objective of MarTERA is to address a number of actual challenges that can be identified as follows: i) National and European research in several marine and maritime sectors is often poorly coordinated. Synergies towards implementing common goals could only be achieved through better coordination and harmonizing the foci of funding programmes; While collaborative projects funded by the EC are often quite large and complex to attract participation especially of SMEs, national funding schemes offer limited opportunities to collaborate with foreign partners, especially if cross-border funding is impossible ii) The participation in trans-national projects offers advantages by using respective national funding, to tackle complex projects which cannot be accomplished by one nation alone iii) Transnational projects provide a better chance for innovation to enter into new markets
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
RESPONSIBLE (Sustainable oceans: our collective responsibility, our common interest)
ResponSEAble project has been looking at ways to help people understand their connection to the sea. Whether they live on the coast or inland, the project’s goal has been to figure out how to encourage Europeans to take a more interest in their oceans, improve their understanding and to treat them with greater respect. The diverse group of ResponSEAble project has been trying to figure out how to connect people to their seas and to help them better understand the complex human-ocean relationship.
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
NEPTUNE - New cross sEctorial value chains creation across EuroPe faciliTated by clUsters for SMEs's Innovation in BluE Growth
The EU faces huge challenges in food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime and inland water management. Blue Growth solutions can play an important role in meeting these challenges and unlock the potential of oceans and inland water for the benefit of European competitiveness. Blue Growth is identified as a key emerging industry to be supported via inter cluster collaboration as well as a key driver for the EU economy. NEPTUNE aims at developing new cross-sectoral and cross-border industrial value-chains, including notably SMEs, to foster the development of Blue Growth industries in Europe and beyond. This will be based on the construction or reconfiguration of value chains driven by the integration of new technologies and know-how between Water, Aerospace, ICT and Agriculture industries.
EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme