Black Sea CONNECT Partner NIMRD “Grigore Antipa” Collaborates with Local School for Science Outreach during Green Week

In a concerted effort to promote environmental consciousness and scientific curiosity, the National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” (NIMRD) joined hands with students from the “Tudor Arghezi” Năvodari Gymnasium School. This collaborative endeavor, held on March 28th, 2023, was part of the educational program “Green Week” and was executed under the aegis of the Black Sea CONNECT.

The heart of this interactive event lay in fostering a deeper understanding of our precious marine ecosystems and the impact of stressors upon them. The vibrant program featured engaging laboratory experiments, enabling the participating students to actively explore scientific concepts and marine phenomena.

Furthermore, the event provided an exclusive opportunity to witness firsthand the work equipment employed within NIMRD’s Department of Oceanography and Coastal Engineering. This immersive experience shed light on the tools and methodologies employed by researchers to unravel the intricacies of our oceans.

Steering this collaborative initiative were Romanian Black Sea Young Ambassadors Dr. Nicoleta Damir and Dr. Elena Bișinicu. Their dedication to promoting scientific awareness and environmental stewardship was palpable as they guided students through the various activities, facilitating a dynamic and educational engagement.

By bridging the gap between classroom learning and real-world application, NIMRD’s collaboration with the “Tudor Arghezi” Năvodari Gymnasium School during “Green Week” exemplified the institute’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of environmentally conscious citizens. This event not only kindled a passion for scientific exploration but also underscored the importance of safeguarding the delicate balance of our marine ecosystems for a sustainable future.