Unveiling Two Captivating Black Sea CONNECT Videos!
In an exhilarating development, the Black Sea CONNECT project has just unveiled its captivating epic-themed short film, leaving audiences in awe. Moreover, another exciting motion graphic production is already in the works and slated for release soon!
“The Call of the Black Sea,” an epic-themed short film is a mesmerizing ode to the enchanting Black Sea and its unique features. With stunning visuals and captivating storytelling, the film showcases the natural wonders, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant communities that call the Black Sea region home.
The second video, which is under production, is a meticulously crafted motion graphic film that unveils the story of the development of Black Sea SRIA (Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda) and its comprehensive Implementation Plan.
Stay connected so you do not miss the upcoming Black Sea CONNECT motion graphic film!