The second Black Tea Time with Youth meeting took place virtually on September 6th, 2021!

The meeting series has been initiated for the  Black Sea Young AmbassadorsBlacke to get an opportunity to listen to the inspirational speakers who talk about Blue Growth, R&I, ocean communication-related topics of interest. The first meeting was held with a representative from the UN Decade of Ocean ECOP Programme. The series continued with the EU Beach Clean-Up Campaign.

We were honored to host Niccoló Tognarini, communication officer at DG MARE of the European Commission. At the meeting where Niccoló Tognarini made an inspiring presentation about #EUBeachCleanup, the global awareness campaign that has been carried out since 2017. Black Sea Young Ambassadors gave their insights about how they can contribute to the campaign.

Now it is time for action! Black Sea Young Ambassadors will get “together to protect marine life” and take action for a clean, healthy, and sustainable Black Sea.