Black Sea Young Ambassadors are sharing their Black Sea research with the world!

As early career ocean professionals from the Black Sea countries, Black Sea Young Ambassadors are actively contributing to facilitate the Black Sea Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda Implementation Plan while enhancing global awareness of the Black Sea through their impactful research endeavors.

Most recently, Marika Makharadze and Tatiana Sitchinava, Young Ambassadors from Georgia, showcased their commitment to advancing knowledge on the Black Sea at the GFCM Forum on Fisheries Science in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, held from 19-23 February 2024 in Antalya, Türkiye. Beyond engaging in discussions with experts across various blue economy sectors, policy, academia, and research, they presented their research on climate change and fisheries in the Black Sea.

Representing their fellow ambassadors, Marika Makharadze and Tatiana Sitchinava also joined the EMSEA Conference Batumi, Georgia 16-18 October 2023. participated in the EMSEA Conference in Batumi, Georgia, from 16-18 October 2023. Marika shared her initiatives for raising awareness and outlined the plans, while Tatiana contributed to discussions on ocean literacy and effective science communication practices. Expanding their horizons, Marika attended the International Ocean Institute’s 5-week training program, gaining valuable insights into essential marine governance issues and emerging oceanic challenges. She disseminated information about their activities as Black Sea Young Ambassadors, including awareness campaigns, science outreach initiatives, and beach clean-ups.

Ukranian Black Sea Young Ambassador, Anastasiya Laznya, joined the 8th IMBeR’s Climate and Ecosystems (ClimEco) Summer School in Koper, Slovenia, from 19-24 June 2023. Collaborating with fellow post-graduate students and early career researchers, Anastasiya presented her research on Black Sea resilience, conducted under the H2020 BRIDGE-BS project. Moreover, at the EurOCEAN 2023 conference in Vigo, Spain, on 10-11 October 2023, Anastasiya took the stage as a speaker, shedding light on her research focusing on ecosystem-based fisheries in the Black Sea.

Furthermore, Moldovan Black Sea Young Ambassador Aliona Isac came together with young students at the lecture organized under the Be Plastic Pirate project, dedicated to raising awareness about waste management. Aliona shared best practices and applications of the 5Rs: Rethink, Refuse, Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle.

Romanian Black Sea Young Ambassador Mirela Paraschiv played a pivotal role as one of the main organizers of the 6th “Constantin Bratescu” National Conference. During this event, geography students deliberated on strategies to address the dynamics of climate change and tourism in the Black Sea region.

Black Sea Young Ambassadors exemplify a dynamic force in promoting sustainable practices, scientific knowledge, and awareness on the seas and oceans.