Black Sea Young Ambassadors Awareness-raising Campaign Development Workshop
Awareness-raising Campaign Development Workshop for Black Sea Young Ambassadors was held online on February 1, 2022.
In the workshop arranged in cooperation with The European Science Communication Institute (ESCI) and Minerva Communications, the primary goal was to nourish Black Sea Young Ambassadors with necessary theoretical and practical gains to develop campaigns and drive change in their own communities.
Following the opening plenary, a fruitful discussion took place on how to make an impact to drive positive change in the Black Sea and its communities. After this inspiring exchange of ideas, the BSYA took the first steps to shape a logical framework for their campaigns and activities. They furthered their initial ideas with constructive feedback from science communicators and among themselves.
This workshop laid the foundations for the Black Sea Young Ambassadors to carry out their Black Sea-focused campaigns. Stay tuned to be informed about concrete actions that these young professionals dedicated to the Black Sea will implement in the near future.