Black Sea CONNECT Marine Litter Action Forum on 14-15 November 2022 Istanbul/Hybrid
We would like to inform you that a very important event entitled “Marine Litter Action Forum” is organised under the Horizon 2020 funded Black Sea CONNECT CSA on 14 and 15 November 2022 in Istanbul Hilton Maslak Hotel in a hybrid format.
Marine litter is a common European challenge where Black Sea research and innovation stakeholders can provide unique contributions of global significance. The main objective of the 2-day event is to present the actions already in place for existing and new initiatives and projects in order to best coordinate all efforts toward paving the way for future cutting-edge actions on marine litter pollution in the Black Sea. The Forum will strive to create a supportive environment for companies, research-performing organizations and NGOs to exchange, present and discuss their knowledge and experiences on tackling marine litter in the region as well as forming a platform of circular economy solutions with policymakers and experts participating in the forum. This event is structured around 5 main sessions:
- Policy Session; Links to Mission Ocean, Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership, Common Maritime Agenda, and broader policy framework
- 1st Session: Marine Litter Pollution in the Black Sea
- 2nd Session: Plastic Circularity
- 3rd Session: Good Practices
- Round-table discussion on CONNECTing national and regional opportunities towards Implementing the SRIA for a pollution-free Black Sea
We look forward to seeing you on 14-15 November 2022, but in the meantime, please stay up to date with the Black Sea CONNECT via our website and our social media channels, and please spread the word to your networks.