Visual Storytelling of The Black Sea: Different Shores, Different Reflections, and One Sea

Visual Storytelling of The Black Sea: Different Shores, Different Reflections and One Black Sea is a virtual photo contest organized as a part of the Black Sea Young Ambassador awareness-raising campaigns developed under the umbrella of Horizon 2020-funded Black Sea CONNECT Coordination and Support Action.

We kindly invite all professional and non-professional photographers, of all ages, from all over the world to join our contest to reflect on different perceptions of the Black Sea’s coastal and marine environment.


  • 1. Black Sea Identity and Connection: Located at the intersection of different local cultures, religions, economic routs, and political systems, the Black Sea has always been a unique space characterised by very dynamic exchanges that, in time, have created a Black Sea common heritage. This category welcomes entries that reflect on the Black Sea common heritage, as well as the cultural and economic, diversity of the Black Sea basin.
    2. Sustainable Blue Economy: This category welcomes photos featuring all Black Sea resources: living resources, (fisheries, aquaculture), renewable energy, carbon-neutral maritime transportation, marine and coastal tourism, blue biotech, etc.). It aims to highlight the services and the resources provided by the Black Sea as well as our commitment toward sustainable management of this sea basin.
    3. Marine and Maritime Professions: This category welcomes photos depicting marine and maritime professions and the activities associated with them (oceanographers [marine biologist, physicist, etc.], NGOs, marine science communicators, shipbuilders, etc.).
    4. Stressors on the Black Sea: This category welcomes entries showcasing the negative effect of increasing intensity of human disturbance in the Black Sea ecosystems (pollution including plastic, climate change, eutrophication, overfishing, biodiversity loss, etc.)

Read the Law on Protection of Personal Data 
Before entering, please read the full contest description and rules.
All entries must be submitted by 19 September 2022 at midnight GMT+3 → Istanbul, Türkiye Time